Goal 5 – Gender Equality
#WeResolve will reduce gender inequality by fighting to change international legislation, and help bring awareness to this inequality. Help us to tackle this global challenge! Join a community, raise your voice, and make a resolve.

The world has achieved equality in primary education between girls and boys. The political participation of women keeps increasing. In January 2014, in 46 countries more than 30 per cent of members of parliament in at least one chamber were women.
In many countries, gender inequality persists and women continue to face discrimination in access to education, work and economic assets, and participation in government. For example, in every developing region, women tend to hold less secure jobs than men, with fewer social benefits. Violence against women continues to undermine efforts to reach all goals. Poverty is a major barrier to secondary education, especially among older girls. Women are largely relegated to more vulnerable forms of employment.
To learn more go to UN.org
“Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls”